Marketing can be difficult for small businesses. It doesn’t matter if you are a solopreneur, part of an agency, or a marketing team; it can be challenging to devote resources to your business and your industry reputation. The irony!
Mailchimp & Co know all too well that marketers can deprioritize marketing. After all, time is always at a premium,, and billing is better. The reality is that every business, regardless of size, needs to maintain an entire pipeline. There is an easy way to increase your visibility, convert customers, and accelerate your business growth. It’s SEO.
Sometimes, it can seem daunting to reach the first page of Google. Although most marketing professionals are familiar with search engine optimization (SEO), it is easy to get lost in the details. It’s not surprising that entire Ph.D. dissertations have been written about SEO Freelance gaming the Google algorithm.
While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for ranking #1, optimizing your website to search can be done quickly and easily. A few easy-to-implement changes can often improve your website’s search visibility, which can make a significant impact on your bottom line.
We understand that marketers come in many colors and that not everyone is an SEO expert. Mailchimp partners are search engine experts. Two top SEO experts, Robbie Kohli, and Christine Darby, have been consulted by Mailchimp to bring you the best SEO tips for your business and your clients. These are the top 6 tips to climb the rankings.
It is always wise to choose the words you use for SEO keywords. It can be tempting to use industry jargon to seem more authoritative. However, this can backfire. Christine Darby, an SEO expert, says it is more effective to explain things clearly than to use industry jargon. She says that people will use technical terms and high-level terminology. “So I ask them, “In plain English, what’s that?” They then tell me, and it makes perfect sense. This is where keywords are found.
We have repeatedly seen websites with a excellent content rank higher, says Deep Focus CEO Robbie Kohli. You can spend a lot on SEO, but Google will penalize your website for a poor copy. But how can you tell if your content’s quality? Robbie says that a key indicator is your bounce rate. When a user leaves your website after 5 seconds, it is called a bounce. Many factors can cause a high bounce rate, but the most common reason is poor copy quality.
Robbie suggests plug-ins such as Ahref and Yoast to increase content quality. These tools can analyze your text using the Flesch Reading Score and suggest improving readability. Title tags should be descriptive text that tells people what they can expect from a page. They are an essential part of SEO and aid in ranking. This copy should be clear and concise, regardless of whether it appears oon the search engine results page (SERP) or when a visitor hovers over a tab to navigate it.
It’s essential to stand out in the crowd when you are looking for top freelancers. You can do this by writing a detailed description of your SEO project and then posting it on your favorite freelance site. Remote freelancers will be able to submit proposals easily.