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This does not mean you have to wait for the end of the semester to take an exam. This isn’t undergraduate school. You cannot study hard and expect to get high grades. Make time to review each semester. Some professors, Academic Fellows, and others hold review sessions in the lead up to exams. This is an excellent way to clarify any questions you may have, without needing to wait in line outside your professors’ office. During review sessions, you can get useful tips on how best to write your exam answers so that you earn the most points.

These exams are preferred over those previously administered to you by your professor. This will enable you to determine the way your professor drafts exam papers. Fowler School of Law Library keeps a number of pre-prepared exams. Select a prior exam to which a sample Tampa car accident attorney answer has been provided. This will allow to compare your answer against the sample. You can also evaluate your performance. If there is no answer sample on file, you can ask your professor if they will review and comment. You should not wait until finals to ask for your professor’s review. Your professor will most likely review your answer sooner than you do.

Many students complain that they lack the time to summarize cases, write outlines and/or do practice exams. They’re wrong! It is possible to plan ahead and make sure you have enough time for all your legal school requirements. You will also have the time to take part in some extracurricular activities. Professor Faulkner can assist you with managing your time.

While law school can be stressful, there are several steps you can follow to keep your stress levels down. Humor is an excellent stress reliever. Do some exercise. You don’t need to be carrying 100 pounds worth of law books every single day. Fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, and fruit should be consumed on a regular basis. Don’t drink too much caffeine. Drink lots of water. Get seven hours at the most sleep every night.

Live a full life beyond law school. You don’t have to give up any of your hobbies or interests before law school. But you won’t be able as often to do them. You should also discuss your stress with your partner, your family member, your friend, your professor Faulkner or one of the Deans of law school if you feel your stress is getting outof control.

Students sometimes have difficulty understanding the material law they are studying, how best to prepare for class and study for exams. It is not common for law students to have questions, especially during their first year. There are many resources you can use if there are questions. Every professor offers weekly office hours. Professor Faulkner is also available to help, as are the Academic Fellows responsible for your courses. We’re here to help if you have questions. We are here for you.

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